Wireless Access Point Attack Vector

Started by dravok, October 05, 2011, 10:44:40 PM

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sembra carino.. volevo provarlo, ho installato (credo) il necessario

AirBase-NG, AirMon-NG, DNSSpoof, and dhcpd3.

ora mi sa che ho problemi con dhcpd3, per sicurezza ho installato dhcpd3 server.. ma ho questo risultato

Enter the wireless network interface (ex. wlan0): wlan0
  • Placing card in monitor mode via airmon-ng..
  • Spawning airbase-ng in a seperate child thread...
  • Sleeping 15 seconds waiting for airbase-ng to complete...
  • Bringing up the access point interface...
  • Writing the dhcp configuration file to src/program_junk
  • Starting the DHCP server on a seperate child thread...
    Exception pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: ExceptionPexpect() in <bound method spawn.__del__ of <pexpect.spawn object at 0x2cc4390>> ignored

    Something went wrong, printing the error: The command was not found or was not executable: dhcpd3.

    che faccio? provo a reinstallare dhcpd3? lho cercato anche su google ma nulla.. c è qualche avvio installazione da shell?



it is a bug I guess.....
you have dhcp3 installed but the elf file is original one called dhcp....the application tries to execute dhcp3 instead of dhcp dameon....
you should tell to the apps (by modifying source) where is the real dhcp elf file.....
or alternatively move somewhere else the dhcp3 daemon and create symbolic link in location from where you just moved the daemon/elf file....