Wordlist Manipulation on BackBox

Started by TAPE, August 22, 2012, 02:47:04 PM

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I have been keeping a wee script going on wordlist manipulation; Wordlist Manipulator (WLM)
which I wrote for use on BackTrack, but decided to have a go and see if it worked OK on BackBox
as well after some interest on THS forums.

It may require to be run in root as for some functions temp files are created.
Otherwise the script just requires to be made executable to run.

chmod +x wlm

Possibly of some interest, if not, then at least the video provides some mellow tunez ;)

Link to video;

Link to blogpost;

Link to script wlm;

> Download the script from the above link to your desired location.
> Rename the file (if required) to "wlm"

mv wlm.txt wlm

> Make the script executable;

chmod +x wlm

> In the same directory as file 'wlm', run by typing; "./wlm"


You will then be presented with a menu of options as per the above image.

Choose the option as required and follow the steps as indicated.

Filenames need to be entered manually and cannot be 'auto-completed'
so path and spelling needs to be exact !

Any comments (constructive criticism also welcome !) always appreciated.

Laters - TAPE


Thank you for your share, when i find the time i will check your script.


Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*



I actually updated the download link to latest version which now includes a basic update function as well.



Tool looks cool and work without problem as i can see. Just it will be nice if you can write documentation for it, like that people can learn faster how to use it.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I would be more than happy to explain in detail how to use it, however I
thought the blog & video would be explanation enough..

The blog really does not give any explanation on the tool, only on the
commands required for certain functions..
I may need to consider a seperate blogpost for use of this tool
which could then possibly be considered as sufficient explanation
on normal usage.

It is no more than an accumulation of text processing commands bundled
into a script.

However, I can understand that a clear explanation is a good step forward.

I shall consider this and possibly alter my initial post.

Thanks for your input :)


How would you want the explanation to be given ?
In a 'manpage' style or a step by step explanation ?


Sure that videos etc. will help, but it's important to write documentation. It's more user frendly if you ask pentesters. Most of people will use 2-3 options, but other will try to explore all options. How your docks need to look :


Or something like this:

Simple usage
  All options

And check your PM ;).

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


Ok, as i like this little tool i made .deb package for BBox users. Thanks to TAPE for his work and our communty wish you all the best with your tool.

To install WLM with BackBox, open terminal and type :

wget http://wordlist-manipulator.googlecode.com/files/wlm-0.8_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i wlm-0.8_all.deb

To use tool type in terminal wlm or open BackBox menu Auditing>Miscellaneous>wlm

Have fun !

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*



I am happy and, I can honestly say, quite flattered that you would go so far
as to enable inclusion of WLM in BackBox.

Awesome stuff !

Many thanks for your support and guidance, I shall get cracking on getting better
and more comprehensive documentation going on WLM ;)


I know that this is not your daily job, but you made something without bugs bro, and that is not what we can see every day. As you know, you need only to fix update bug, write docks and all will be even better then today.

Have fun and happy cracking. It was a pleasure to help you !

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


Following the strong advice on better documentation from ZEROF here ;)


The Wiki pages are now complete and updated.

Also inlcuded the latest .deb package ( 0.8 ) as kindly provided by ZEROF  in installation details.