Some useful tools that sould be added

Started by _B0l4_, January 03, 2012, 10:48:17 PM

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Well if it's possible i would suggest to include:

- Xplico
- Pytbull
- Burp Suite (the free edition obviusly)
- Truecrypt

And also:

- Update Bleachbit to version 0.9.1
- Create a .deb package for w3af that could be upgraded by svn (i don't know if it's only a my problem, but i can't upgrade with svn. It always return that's updated whet it isn't)

Thx, _B0l4_

P.S. Why do you include polipo proxy (in default installation) when we have ZAProxy that do the same things and better? Also, burp proxy is able to operate in transparent mode instead of polipo and ZAProxy. :\

P.P.S. Sorry for my bad english.


hey _B0l4_,
thanks for your useful post that we much appreciate.....
we will have a look into the list of sw that you've proposed and will see what we are going to do with it...
I'd like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to have a look (is not your case _B0l4_) accurately before proposing any new software to include in BB, to check if there are already similar sw and, if so, after comparison and evaluation, it will be replaced with new one instead of adding and creating meaningless volumes....
We are trying to avoid any redundancy in BB which is one of the BB lets keep on this way...
Thanks again!!


At first, thanks for your advices. ^^

Then, i always had some question in my head about BackBox:

1 - Why did you included so much tools? Isn't better to provide the essential ones and keep the other in the repos?
2 - Why did you choose ubuntu as the base distro for BB? Isn't better to use a minimalist distro like Archlinux that let you customize it more deeply?
3 - Have you ever thought to add snort, suricata or defense tools to your repos? They are also good for testing.

Thx, _B0l4_


you are welcome....
happy to answer your questions:

1) Actually that is what we are trying to do, keeping essential and all the rest in here your help much appreciated if you report us the redundancies....which we are trying to avoid at any cost...
2) Because ubuntu is the best choice for hw support, the richest one between linux distros...and of course, time issue, we are all working as most of you know and we just dedicate our free time to develop BB....
3) We are currently evaluating the integration of IDS, that can be snort or AIDE, the same for defense tools and in here your support will much appreciated as well....

You are welcome to join us at anytime....

thanks for your support that we much appreciate.



Quote from: ostendali on January 05, 2012, 06:08:40 PM
you are welcome....
happy to answer your questions:

1) Actually that is what we are trying to do, keeping essential and all the rest in here your help much appreciated if you report us the redundancies....which we are trying to avoid at any cost...
2) Because ubuntu is the best choice for hw support, the richest one between linux distros...and of course, time issue, we are all working as most of you know and we just dedicate our free time to develop BB....
3) We are currently evaluating the integration of IDS, that can be snort or AIDE, the same for defense tools and in here your support will much appreciated as well....

You are welcome to join us at anytime....

thanks for your support that we much appreciate.


Well, if i could help it'd be great. Tell me how i can help, and i'll try ^^


you are already helping us, buy suggesting new tools....
if there are better tools and if we can remove (instead of adding) the redundancies, a suggestion in that way and your feedback will be helpful.