missing some tools

Started by casostrano, February 23, 2012, 11:34:21 PM

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Hi guys!

My friend have shown me this great and really fast dist but i'm missing something.

For example cowpatty. It is really nice if you want to work with rt

gorix-wifi-cracker-ng is a really small gui for wep and wpa cracking... It's faster then tiping into the console.

You have wpscan but not joomscan and plecost. I think js is really helpful

Zap is cool but i feel burbsuite really powerful.

These programs are also in backtrack included.

And I've found two nice programs onto the bugtracking site of backtrack.

Named the mole and absinthe.

Give a look!

Have a nice weekend


I'm sorry, haven't updated.
Js is available...


Hi, as i can see, you like SQLI (sql injection). Hope that you are white hack man :). I'm with you, only for one tool. BBox can get on gui for WiFi attack. But all tools you want to see with BBOX are made in almost same way. Don't think so ? They use MySQL query method, and as you know BBox have tools for it, and they are good. Some extra maybe in next version, but for now, I'm not sure that we need them. I like pentesting for web apps. , my favorite i guess, but some tools you can install if you need them.

It's faster then tiping into the console.

I saw people using Wifite 2, and i like it. I think this can help people to have GUI. I like to here what people use, we can use that tools one day, but best to do is to test 2-3 GUI's tools and i hope that DEV TEAM, will help users with GUI needs.

And thank you for name of this tool : absinthe, i lost him from my head.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


Quote from: ZEROF on February 24, 2012, 12:30:04 AM
Hi, as i can see, you like SQLI (sql injection). Hope that you are white hack man :). I'm with you, only for one tool. BBox can get on gui for WiFi attack. But all tools you want to see with BBOX are made in almost same way. Don't think so ? They use MySQL query method, and as you know BBox have tools for it, and they are good. Some extra maybe in next version, but for now, I'm not sure that we need them. I like pentesting for web apps. , my favorite i guess, but some tools you can install if you need them.

It's faster then tiping into the console.

I saw people using Wifite 2, and i like it. I think this can help people to have GUI. I like to here what people use, we can use that tools one day, but best to do is to test 2-3 GUI's tools and i hope that DEV TEAM, will help users with GUI needs.

And thank you for name of this tool : absinthe, i lost him from my head.
thanks guys.....
by the way, no redundancies as zerof already mention about.....
regarding wifite, if you just update you bb you will see it in menu....


What to say, i will buy you a beer.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*