little tools

Started by casostrano, March 15, 2012, 07:45:22 PM

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Hey guys,

i've tested the new release of backtrack 5r2... (cause of the new kernel)

But backbox is the better way! ;)

I was using the last months backbox... Damn! Backtrack is really slow! :P

I've seen (or re-seen :P ) some very useful tools...

for example:

Great way to setup the network is wicd...

Great, small and fast taskmanager named Htop...

I know, backbox has a wifi-cracker gui but i've seen airoscript-ng (+ GTK)... Have a look/try...

Backbox has wireshark, i think the best sniffing programm out there but i've tried etherape... I think it's not the same thing... Yes it's a sniffer but more visual... Can't explain it but in future i would use both... Just have a look/try...

Ok another "web"-testing programm but beef was always a nice choice...

just an idea!



Ok ...


sudo -i
apt-get install htop

Open main menu > System > htop



sudo -i
dpkg -i airoscript-ng_1.2-3_all.deb

And if you need more help, just say :). Thank you it's nice that you wroted about this tools. Dev team will add more tools to distro in future (BBox 2.05), and some will be only your personal choice, because we need like you said, FAST DISTRO.

EDIT : And to get hacker style screen ( but if you run as anonymous, you can watch your network security)  :)

sudo apt-get install etherape

Open Menu > System > EtherApe (root)

P.S. This package have almost nothing with Wireshark. Sniffing and monitoring it's not same. Maybe you wanted to say ettercap ?

Ettercap have 2 version :


sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk

Photo :

sudo apt-get install ettercap

Photo :

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