Gerix WiFi cracker and others

Started by pwnsauce, January 08, 2011, 03:46:31 AM

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Well, Here are some suggestions for tools!
I think adding Gerix WiFi cracker to it would be a great idea, because it really makes things far faster! It is a GUI for Aircrack (for those who dont know) and I think it would be a good addition :)

Also adding the Armitage Cyber Attack Management suite (think, an awesome GUI for MetaSploit) from '' would help those not-so-used to Metasploit.

Adding MetaSploit 2 (yeah, the older one) would be great, because some find it better than 3... For some reason.

THe Wi-fEye tool automates many attacks, including SideJacking, etc. Installing Hamster, Evilgrade, etc would be great!

I am an Ethical Hacker. The thing about Ethical Hacking is... Ethics are a matter of perspective.


Hello... We take into account your suggestions. BackBox is a young project, but we hope to make other tools available soon.
raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'


Most excellent :D
I am using it as my default OS at the moment, and love it. It works flawlessly on the Acer Aspire One ZG5 (8gb SSD) and is far faster than BackTrack 4 R2 which I was using in the past.

I myself am interested perhaps in helping you guys on this project, as I was myself working on an XFCE based distro - but was only learning how to make it when I saw this.

I am sure I can come up with more ideas later :D

I am an Ethical Hacker. The thing about Ethical Hacking is... Ethics are a matter of perspective.


Although our policy definetly is not to include "script-kiddies" tools, such as GUI for some framework and/or single application, as Raffaele said, we'll take in account your suggestion.

In any case, there are better alternatives to Gerix Wifi Cracker, and Metasploit already has such kind of GUI (think about the Ruby Gui for 2.0 or the web interface for 3.0).

Remember, we have to remain under the 700MB, so we actually have to be very select with software we are going to include in the distro.



That I can understand completely, as making it too skiddie friendly would not be a good idea - if you browse certain script kiddie forums you will see that tools like Gerix are extremely popular amongst the users for their ease of use and simplicity. No knowledge needed at all. (Ironically, on one particular script-kiddie forum there is several extremely bright users that I am in contact with who are trying to educate them, get their understanding and interest in advancing themselves up, etc.)

The Evilgrade package I suggest because of the sheer 'power' it has, and I feel it really would be useful in pentests for its social engineering edge - will the other users on the network willingly just click on a software update that pops up without asking someone? Is that adhering to policy? Etc... However I do see its potential for abuse amongst skids. Thankfully on the places I monitor and occasionally post on I see no one has noticed it yet...

Oh, quick point. If you update your metasploit (I did so last night) I noticed it now by default installs armitage as part of its latest revision.
I now understand why 'under 700mb', as it has to fit on a CD! Silly of me :P
BTW, Wi-fEye is not a GUI or anything, it is a bit like... Fast-Track or the Social Engineers Toolkit for WiFi hacking.

I am an Ethical Hacker. The thing about Ethical Hacking is... Ethics are a matter of perspective.


Well, we'll talk about that and see :)

Stay tuned


Hi guys, this is my first post to this forum. Just installed BlackBox and so far it seems like an valid replacement for Backtrack and Blackbuntu..
Keep it up!

I would recommend the GERIX WiFi Cracker-NG suite. This would be an excellent package to have in Blackbox