
Started by SaThaRiel, March 07, 2012, 05:38:18 PM

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Hey all,

could this please be included? I am doing a bit on hacking-lab.com (with a strange VM-VPN-Proxy-Office Lan setup) at the moment and i really missed a local installation of exploit-db on their image. But i couldn't even find it on the BackBox image...but i think it should be there :)




It gonna be a bit difficult to include this as it is implemented by offensive-security a.k.a. backtrack, which is not much community oriented.
So we will be discussing about it and see the evaluation....


You always just create a folder 'exploit-db' and 'svn co svn://www.exploit-db.com/exploitdb exploitdb'
this will pull down the latest version of the database,
Then update every week or so with 'svn update' or create a cron job to do it automatically



Well, i know how to do it manually.  Just wished i had it out of the box on my Backbox :D An included version would be really helpful - also it doesn't seem to possible.
Oh, and svn doesn't work in office/corporate environments usually. But sure you can also download their snapshot.