Easy-Creds is requested

Started by nubbix, September 14, 2012, 06:01:22 AM

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You will like this one ... New install script updated.

1. Script add easy-creds to main menu
2. Script add nice menu icon for easy-creds
3. Script will remove install script from /opt/easy-creds directory
4. To run easy-creds from terminal : sudo easy

To get full install, easy-creds need to be installed in /opt directory.

wget https://github.com/downloads/ZEROF/BackBox-Scripts/inst-0.1.sh

chmod +x inst-0.1.sh

sudo ./inst-0.1.sh

And in the end we will have :

Happy hacking !

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I did follow all steps...everything gets installed...but when i run sudo easy nothing happen...and there is no easy-creds in menu ....


ZEROF, sorted ...i had to run sudo easy-creds.
In any case it does not appear in the menu.

But is ok.
tx for sharing.


Hi man,

Problem is that github repository is down last few hours, i don't know why, because of that you didn't get backbox menu option. But we can fix that :

cd /usr/share/applications
wget http://linux.re.rs/backbox/files/easy-creds3.7-inst-script/backbox-easy.desktop
cd ..
cd pixmaps
wget http://linux.re.rs/backbox/files/easy-creds3.7-inst-script/easy-creds.png
sudo cp /opt/easy-creds/easy-creds.sh /opt/easy-creds/easy-creds
ln -s /opt/easy-creds/easy-creds /usr/bin/easy

Then you can run with sudo easy :)

Cheers !

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


hi ZEROF, one comment:

this line:

wget http://linux.re.rs/backbox/files/easy-creds3.7-inst-script/easy-creds.png

in my case must be ran with "sudo".

Same for last command ("sudo" ln -s /opt/easy-creds/easy-creds /usr/bin/easy).

As feedback for all, YES now i can run it with "sudo easy", even if i still do not have it in the menu.

But is OK.
Tx again.



All credz go to brav0hax & ZEROF for their work on this and support.  The post is to help anyone new to BB3 or easy-creds to give them a ruff guideline on how to get it working on BB3.  Any suggestions please post a reply.  There's a link to my server that has the install script from ZEROF and a edited and unedited copy of the script.  If anyone knows how to get past the HSTS in Google Chrome and latest Firefox, post that up please. This configuration uses isc-server.  Off a smartphone, the script will grab PayPal, Gmail etc.

sudo apt-get install screen
sudo apt-get install xterm
Download ZEROF's install script:  http://www.linux.re.rs/backbox/files/easy-creds3.7-inst-script/inst.sh
Right click on inst.sh go to permissions, make executable.  Then from terminal ./instal.sh
Follow through the options till you are done.  Make sure at the one screen it's set to "/opt". The script is installed however we need to configure other files.  At this point, you can go to /opt/easy-creds and replace the original script with the BB3 edited one.  The other files on BB3 still need some configuration.  Also make sure, it should be, that isc-server from synaptic is installed.
At this point I manually update aircrack-ng svn co http://trac.aircrack-ng.org/svn/trunk/ /tmp/aircrack-ng cd /tmp/aircrack-ng/
make && make install
bash /usr/local/sbin/airodump-ng-oui-update

Here's brav0hax's youtube vid on the other files to configure:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLJOVozAaXc
You can follow along with the video and edit from the script.  This also includes adding "at0" to the isc-server from the script.  Make a backup of the original script before replacing.  From the script's Prerequisites & Configurations I did do option 1, 2, 4, 5, 8.
Here is the edits I did for BackBox3 http://pastebin.com/8qT3L3cz
To run the script from cli cd /opt/easy-creds