[SOLVED] VMware Workstation(VW) 11 on BackBox

Started by error_69, August 09, 2016, 06:55:54 PM

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Hello all,

I`ll start with that I looked over other topics and did not found my answer.

I know I can use Virtualbox, but i need VMware due to some specifics.

Anyhow tried to install VMware, installs great without any problems, there are numerous threads about how to do it... but when I try to start VW.. nothing, no errors, nothing. It shows up in processes and disappears...

Tried to find my answer by searching numerous forums, but without any luck yet. Internet is full of "solved" topics but none of those solves my problem.

Maybe there is someone who can help me?




If I go to sport shop and I get big t-shirt size for my friend, can you say me size of it, replace it?

Don't get me as rude person, but is almost same type of question. Did you provided any information? Nop, just "this don't work as I want."

You want to install vmware inside BBox? If yes, before you lunch vmware check the log in open terminal with command tail -f /var/log/syslog, see what is going on, then share.

Like this, you are on your own.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


zerof has a point I am afraid ;D
pls provide syslogs while your starting vmware so we can read or at least have somewhere to start from....