Hackdroid's Hacking 101: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Started by Hackdroid, June 27, 2014, 06:13:03 PM

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Hi everyone. I made this thread because it'll be beneficial to both of us. I'll be able to absorb everything that I've learned about hacking faster, while you will be able to learn something from me. If you can help me make this thread better, please do so by leaving a comment. So let's get started!


  • Backbox 3.13 (updated as of Jun 27, 2014)
  • Wireless card (that is capable of injecting packets)
  • Basic knowledge about hacking

Part 1: Acquiring access to a wireless network

A: Identification of wireless network encryption
The very first step is to determine the kind of encryption the wireless network has. To do this, we will have to use airmon-ng and airodump-ng.

Start the monitor mode in your wireless adapter by typing the following command in the terminal. Please note that you should replace the wlan0 with the appropriate name of your wireless adapter. You can find out the right term using the code ifconfig.

airmon-ng start wlan0

The output should look like this:

After starting the monitor mode, you can now look for your possible targets (if you do not have one already) then find some information about the target wireless network using airodump-ng. Type the following command in the terminal:

airodump-ng mon0

Press ctlr+c when you think you already have enough information in your terminal. The output should then look something like this:

As you can see, the only wireless network that my wireless card can see is one and it has an ESSID of Elijah. Just look at the text under the column named ENC and you will know what type of encryption a wireless network employs. You must also take note of its BSSID as well as whether it has clients associated with it. To determine the later, look at the stations that the wireless card sees. Under the column on the left side of the stations are the BSSID of their respective wireless networks. If you can see the BSSID of your target network under that column, there is a high likelihood that your target has client/s associated with it.

After having information about your target wireless interface, you can now proceed to the cracking process.
If your target has a WEP encryption, read B: Cracking WEP encryption.
If your target has a WPA/WPA2 encryption, read C: Cracking WPA/WPA2 encryption.
If you want to know how to crack both encryption, then read both of them. It's your choice anyway.

B: Cracking WEP encryption (I want to apologize because I can't continue updating this post these following days. I have some financial problems to deal with. But I will continue this whenever possible.)


No need to to reserve posts  ;D .... if you want to do a right up on a tutorial, just complete it then post it
I'm sure your very eager to help people .. but it just looks silly reserving posts
I look forward to viewing your tutorial


Okay then. I'll just remove my reserved slots. I'm planning to divide my post according to what kind of hack they do. Thank you for your feedback. :D