Live USB Boot - Hanging - MSI GS73 -gtx 1080

Started by dangeruss, June 15, 2019, 05:34:53 PM

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Hey All.

So I've got an MSI laptop w/ a gtx 1080 I am getting a hanging boot from live usb boot. I've tried enable / disable legacy mode on USB, I've tried adding "acpi-off" in the grub (not sure if i've done that one right)

Came across a thread on here with a laptop similar to mine w/ a similar problem. The concensus seemed to be that it was an NVIDIA support issue.

I've since found linux drivers for the GPU that I have but i am unsure if:

A) that will solve the problem
B) how to install the drivers if linux isn't functioning on the device.

Any help appreciated.



I tried the same computer with Kali linux as there are more resources for it just to see if I could get it working. I found the following results which work:

"I have been able to get my MSI GP72 to boot up and login by using the nouveau.modeset=0 modification although I have had no joy with installing the Nvidia Drivers.

The full procedure is to boot to the grub menu and press "e" to edit. use the down arrow to get to the line "Linux" and then right arrow to the end of that line which finishes with the text "quiet". then you add the text nouveau.modeset=0 and press "F10" to continue booting. Give this a try and see if it works for you."

So now i'm wondering, does Backbox also use the same noveau open source drivers for nVidia cards? Would the same modeset work in backbox?


After further use with Kali it turns out that most services aren't working correctly.