Upgrading from BackBox 4.7 to 5.0

Started by Praxis, August 14, 2017, 11:07:16 PM

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I installed BackBox 4.? mostly to see what it was about, I have to admit, I looked over the tools, and played with a few of them, and pretty much used the system as a regular desktop. On other machines where I have Trusty installed I'm generally OK with it, and don't plan to upgrade until maybe Summer of 2018 and then just blow through 2016 quickly and go to 2018 LTS, but this particular box has not been great with Trusty in a couple of respects and Xenial seems to work better on similar hardware, so I was wondering about upgrading to BackBox 5.0. Yes, I know, it would be easier to just do a fresh install, but I'm kind of pig-headed that way, I think Linux ought to be upgradeable and generally manage to make a go of it.

So here is my question: What is the contents of the BlackBox repository file for BackBox 5? This is what it is on my current installation:

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backbox-four-trusty.list
Quotedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/backbox/four/ubuntu trusty main
# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/backbox/four/ubuntu trusty main
I assume I could just replace the "four" with "five" and the "trusty" with "xenial"?

Then I figured I'd do a "do-release-upgrade" which will temporarily disable the BackBox repository and upgrade the underlying OS to xenial. Then I could re-enable the BackBox repo to get whatever BackBoxy distinctiveness is to be had.

Has anyone tried this approach? If they have and it was a colossal PITA I'm content to re-install all the BackBox packages and simply upgrade to pretty much stock Xenial. It doesn't look like there is much that is too crucial from the BackBox repos that I use much.

If no one has tried it, I may give it a throw and report back if I can figure out the contents of the BackBox 5 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ file.


BackBox 5 is major release, which means there is structural changes in its design. If you upgrade nothing will happen in terms of functionalities but the tools will get messy. this is because BackBox has been through a cleanup on tools where several tools is been removed and others added, therefore, if you do upgrade, the old tools you have on BB4 will still appear in your system while they most likely will have issues functioning.

So that is the main reason why we would recommend you to install rather then upgrade.

If you really want to insist by doing the upgrade then go ahead, yes you need to change the repo to major release version 5