Upgrade to Backbox 3.1

Started by V3nD3774, January 24, 2013, 07:53:58 AM

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Hi all, I am a happy customer of bbx 3.0.  ;D

I use it daily as main OS.
My question now is the following, with this latest release of 3.1 version, is it enough for me to keep the pc updated with the weekly updates to get the same new tools and kernel or, do I need to install the new iso ?  :-\
If the latter, what's the way to do this without loosing all info stored and other stuff that I have installed ?

Tx again for the great work u are doing with backbox.


No. If you have BB 3.0 simply do:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get distro-upgrade

raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'



Sorry raffaele, but this does not work:

xxx@yyy:~$ sudo apt-get distro-upgrade
E: Operazione distro-upgrade non valida

i did already the overall update...


there is a little error...
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Tx weVeg, i am posting out the result:

xxx@yyy:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto
Generazione albero delle dipendenze       
Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto
Calcolo dell'aggiornamento... Eseguito
0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.

It looks like i have already all stuff updated and upgraded.

Is there a way to check the kernel version ? to see whether is the same version of 3.1 one ?



Hi, you can see kernel version doing:
uname -r
or with more output:
uname -a

Read something about common linux administrations =)
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Hi guys,
I'm surfing here [1] and I see that I don't have some package that should be present on bbox 3.01, so I've noticed which simply doing dist-upgrade nothing change, I'm using 3.0 and I already have the ppa reported on launchpad, I forgot something? There is another way to upgrade?

[1] https://launchpad.net/~backbox/+archive/three
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


it's important that "backbox-desktop" is installed:

sudo apt-get install backbox-desktop
raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'


Quote from: raffaele on February 11, 2013, 11:02:47 PM
it's important that "backbox-desktop" is installed:

sudo apt-get install backbox-desktop
Bella! thanx!
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice