Update Problem [SOLVED]

Started by ChromePrime, December 23, 2011, 03:00:27 PM

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Hi everyone, I only speak English.

First I just want to say I love BackBox. I've used it mainly as a desktop computer for day to day stuff for about 4 months and it's my favorite Linux distro by far. I mainly love the low memory usage and snappy performance on my old P4, it's a thing of beauty. Xubuntu could learn a lot from BackBox. My girlfriend loves it too and she barely knows what Linux is.

On to my problem. Update Manager is listing 3 updates that are not found. 2 are application updates so I'm not too concerned about those. The main update that concerns me is called

"Backbox Desktop System"


Is this update necessary for the system? If not how do I get the update listing to go away?

Thanks and Merry Christmas



try this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get purge ettercap*
sudo apt-get install backbox-desktop
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'


Wow thanks for the fast reply

It worked perfectly! It updated and all 3 listings are gone.

I figured it was a repository issue, If you don't mind my asking,  what was the problem?


probably the dependencies of ettercap
raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'
