[SOLVED] What is it command

Started by xxx600, June 24, 2015, 01:04:46 PM

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Hello all,

How are you ?

After move picture to /user/share/xfce4/backdrops and theme /usr/share/theme

How can background and theme set on terminal.

What is it command ??


Quote from: xxx600 on June 24, 2015, 01:04:46 PM
Hello all,

How are you ?

After move picture to /user/share/xfce4/backdrops and theme /usr/share/theme

How can background and theme set on terminal.

What is it command ??

is this a question?

did you asked to a search engine before?



hello ostendali

This is not what I want to do

I want a desktop background set of terminal


Hi xxx600,

First stop posting with "center" tag, because i will not spend my time editing your posts. 2nd i don't understand you at all.

1. You want to change terminal backround?
2. You want to change desktop backround?

And this questions are kind 101 Linux settings level. Every answer about setting your xfce can be found here:


Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


i want to change desktop backround from command line not gui
because I want a written script sets the desktop background in addition to the Theme

I've written this before

Now I will write script does everything
change desktop backround from command line
change desktop theme command line

and other



I see now, you want to write your first bash script and speed up that process in the future, i will say why not, but you will have few issues from start. When somebody download them or wallpaper he need full path, like /home/user/photos or user will use download folder etc... That you can't set on your script because you don't know where user will put his downloads. What you can is to ask user where is it and your script can do that.

How that need to look:

echo "Hello to my bash learning test"
echo -n "Now say me where you did hide your wallpaper: "
read path
cd $path

If you check you terminal you will see that you are in folder you did set as path. Etc ... anyway, that is only start :).

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


As i got motivated :)

function pause () {
echo -n -e "Press [ENTER] to move on ....\n"
read -p "$*"
echo -e "\nThis is my learning bash script.\n"
echo -e "Script is going to learn from you ....\n"
echo -n -e "\\"
sleep 1
echo -n -e  "\\"
sleep 1
echo -n -e "\\"
sleep 1;
echo -e "\\ \n"
echo -n "Write your path for downloaded wallpaper: "
read path
cd $path
echo ""
echo "Your new path is: "${PWD##*/}""
echo -e "\nGreat, you are in!!\n"
sleep 1
echo -e "What next ...\n"
echo "Maybe i need to add more code ... or you can write some"
sleep 2
echo -e "\nBye Bye!"

This is even better and funny looking script :). Copy and save as xxx.sh, run in terminal bash xxx.sh, and you will see.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*
