[SOLVED] Plymouth boot splash

Started by harayz, May 07, 2016, 09:07:42 AM

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ive been trying to change the boot splash for a while now but unable to do so. some of the things i tried were:

  • adding 'nosplash' to the grub file (/etc/default/grub)
  • editing the lightdm config file (/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf)
  • update-alternative --config lightdm-greeter /usr/share/xgreeters/lightdm-gtk-greeter.desktop
please tell me how i can disable, replace and/or customize the splash screen. thank you~



Search for "customize the splash screen xfce".

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*