[SOLVED] Avast email certificate problem when starting backbox

Started by Natasha, April 22, 2016, 07:06:36 PM

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This happens at every startup.


The problem is NOT in BackBox, but in VirtualBox Software. Check your installation.
Andrea Draghetti
Personal Blog


Drego85, l'installazione sembrerebbe essere ok. Solo quando avvio la macchina virtuale con installato backbox, Avast mi pone questo avviso.

Drego85, the installation seems to be ok. Only when you start the virtual machine with installed backbox, Avast puts me this warning.


Hi Natasha,

Like my friend said to you, you have host not guest system issue. In this case, guest is BackBox. I didn't have time to dig deep, but after searching Google I can say you are not the first one with error like this (Avast can be a.. some time), but as you may know to many people saying, do that or do that and it will be ok, but in most cases, you will spend next 4h looking for real solution or even more.

As sys admin in situation like this first I think what my firewall is doing, for you, it's Avast. They are not that smart, you need to say to them, what they need to do. For me all what you need to do is to put VirtualBox in the safe applications list (Avast one).

Do you have other Linux machines with VirtualBox? If not, download Ubuntu 16.04 and try it. Install and boot and see what avast will say. If problem comes again, than you can be sure that you need whitelisted VB. Sound crazy for me that avast can stick his nose into BackBox VM and see pentesting tools.

In the end, and from what i know, Avast from 2015 version don't allow internet sharing, you need to fix that. Go to (Open) Firewall configuration, and select "Connection sharing mode" and click 'OK' or something like that, maybe i messed up words order :).

Check this as well http://support.postbox-inc.com/hc/en-us/articles/204602300-Invalid-Security-Certificate-Error-when-using-AVAST, but not sure if this is part of your problem or not, but i see in your error message (sorry i'm not Italian) "della protezione e-mail", and i don't think that you set BackBox mail client in your VM, one more time, problem comes from host, i don't think that BB have something with this.


Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*



Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*