problem after boot loader

Started by kko, June 20, 2013, 07:32:00 PM

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Hi , i scribbled with a kernel and now after boot loader i have a dark screen with a cursor on the top of left side... stop... system don't run...

i tried ctrl+alt+f2 but the same... nothing

i rebooted and i tried to enter in the recovery mode... recovery mode don't run... it start , but don't arrives to recovery screen...

i only can to enter in old version of kernel , and in this case i have not problem.

What i can to do?
what i can to do to help you to understand this problem?



Use live cd or usb to get recovery mode. Then remove installed kernel.

Good luck.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


i hoped to discover why happens this , but i think there are a lots of causes , in any case i entered from old kernel and with "apt-get purge" i cancelled the newest kernel... now i will try to upgrade...



b4 i also mess up...pls, can u tell me what kernel version was the one that created the problem to you ?

I wanted, in fact, to install 3.5 (i am happy customer of 3.2, therefore, no real reason for this...) but if this might create some issue, i wont do it.


Hi, the kernel is 3.2.0-48-generic. It wasn't problem of kernel, but about my experiments...