Negative channel - AIREPLAY

Started by burn17, June 28, 2016, 05:54:38 AM

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I will write this in two languages: spanish (because im spaniard) and english because there are many people who speaks english.

Acabo de instalar backbox y he ido a probar la suite aircrack pero como siempre se pone en el canal negativo. He intentado parchearlo de mil formas pero no lo consigo.
¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

I just have installed BackBox and i probe aircrack suite but it put my interface on channel -1. I have tried to patch it but i cant. Someone can help me?

root@root:~# uname -rms
Linux 4.2.0-41-generic x86_64

Thank you.



Just use option --ignore-negative-one ;)

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I have tried this option but it doesnt work.


that problem was fixed few years ago, have you tried to patch your driver? [1]
I found useful to kill any processes that could cause trouble.

una voce libera è sempre liberatrice