little utility for monitor mode

Started by weVeg, November 14, 2012, 07:51:28 PM

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I wrote this little script to automate some operations that I often have to made... I hope that needs for somebody, Any suggestions are appreciated!! tested on bash and zsh
Ho scritto questo piccolo script per automatizzare certe operazioni che spesso devo compiere... spero che serva a qualcuno, consigli sono apprezzati! funziona sia in bash che in zsh ;)
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Hi bro,

Nice work, if you agree i will use your script on my new BBox git project that will help people to use BBox in the future :). When you have time come to IRC or send me mail and i will explain you what i want to work on.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


thanks guys!
@bob: pm resent!!
@ZEROF: yes I agree, but this script have some limits!! robert suggest me how to improve, so, if you agree with me, robert can take my works, improve that, and send final works to zerof... what do you think about guyz?? Bob do you agree???
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Sure man, i can wait, 1 day +- it's nothing :). Just in line 7 grep mon = grep mon0. And before going with mon0 up, add airmon-ng check killall.

Cheers !

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


grep mon 'cause if you have more than one monitor mode interfaces you can kill them... try 2 or 3  time
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
you have mon0 and mon1, or ++... monX
in this case running ./setmon stop you can stop all of them.
otherwise, running ./setmon start, if you have any monitor mode enabled, the script exit
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Ok, i was for grep mon0 with airmon-ng check killall before check, but i like this solution. Good thinking.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I concur { i agree }  8)


ZEROF, speaking with bob about the script we can't improve that without writing from scratch...
So, if you need we can start from 0, but this script in this way is useless, or better, is useful only for that interfaces... I repeat, i wrote it just for my system!!!

bob: what do you think about?
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Quote from: weVeg on November 16, 2012, 06:01:47 PM
ZEROF, speaking with bob about the script we can't improve that without writing from scratch...
So, if you need we can start from 0, but this script in this way is useless, or better, is useful only for that interfaces... I repeat, i wrote it just for my system!!!

bob: what do you think about?

First off ....  "but this script in this way is useless"
Its not useless please don't take me out out context ... I know you said that and are just power phrasing what I said but you misunderstood in the way I was explaining

the script is fine !!!! it does as you wrote it to But it doesn't cover all the angles THATS all bro .. NOT that the script is pointless or is written badly { just not complete } other than  that the vast majority of people will find it handy !!!

just to reiterate bro .. I was just pointing out about the different cards and that if there were two or three { three is an example } and one wasn't wlan0 i.e ath0 OR wlan1 OR if that one was up and the other was down etc etc etc that the syntax would fail

and since you wrote it just for you and not the general public ITS PERFECT for you and what you want !! .. in that way its flawless !!! & a nice little script

weVeg my PM was just to try to help you Not to bash your script IN any way shape or form { see what i did there .. ;D } it was just trying to show you that in order to make it a back-box script that you need to cover all angles and areas if the user has or has not got them interfaces or if there is problems and that you should cover all error handling

you are a big part of the community and I was just trying to teach a man to fish as so to speak  .. this is why I PM'ed  you and didn't want to point out or slate it on the forum :) IM just a troll .. a passer by :)  while I don't use backbox,backtrack,blackbuntu etc as a distro and use my own I like the community there is no bulls**t artist's on this forum ... and all the people are solid good people thats why I like it.. ... I help Because I can & I fully respect all the mods and admin on this forum .. while we got off to a bad start thats just me giving some people a hard time  :P its general the lay of the land.... its how I introduce MY SELF  :D roll in punching ,kicking and screaming then see whats what !! .. AND THAT WONT ever change this tactic doesn't win many people over But Im not here to make friends Im here to help

maybe I should just keep my opinion's to my self from now on  ;) sorry bro


Robert, I understand you exactly!
Don't worry!! Bro, really, take it easy!!! = ]
I'm trying to explain at ZEROF why we can't modify script, 'cause was made only for my needs in mind!! It work perfectly if someone have my environment!
Your suggestions are gold, and I'll follow them!!
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


For me it's not problem i can always write script for my personal use, i like idea and that is all. I made a lot of mini scripts to make my work faster, and i know that even if i share all of them, they will not help even 10% of people using BBox. But when i make script that can help all people, i will share, and i hope to see others do the same.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


But when i make script that can help all people, i will share, and i hope to see others do the same

Of course ZeroF .. I agree But its more about the back-box support to help the users i.e make a script that will make it easier for them to either run process
or manipulate text or device .. sharing is caring  ;D .. example top hat sec there selling a script wep/wpa   for 9$ SORRY but I not only disagree with this..

** text remove by r083rt ****   Point was made and no need for it to remain on the post as it got little off topic !!!!


Cool down r083rt, no need for hard rock words. Why? I agree with you, but as you know if you want to make "something", that will take the time. I don't agree to sell my Linux work, because i was and i will be open source dude, but if we look deeper you can see that "money" move all around pentesting this days. Some people will do free, some will try to get few $ but ...what they make, all pentesters can make too for them if they need something like wep/wap, MIM script ...

But what about script kiddies ...even after 1000 years they will be around and they will spend 100$ to start hacking in few days, and we can't do nothing against that. And i'm happy to say that is good for pentesting-why?! Pentesters, we get more people thanks to this kind of marketing. More kids, more work for pentesters, we can just be happy :). They will run attack all around world, and we will be paid to protect people against them. I see only good in this story, try to look like that and you will see that you will feel much better.

Cheers !

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I removed it Zerof  I hear everything your saying  ;D

the last thing I want or to cause is a flame War on this forum !!!

but you can understand My frustration  ;)

I see only good in this story, try to look like that and you will see that you will feel much better.

wise words !!!  :)