Linux Command Line

Started by weVeg, January 25, 2013, 02:56:40 PM

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I hope that this topic is useful for users who are looking for the linux command line, there are cheat sheet about common command...
Spero che questo topic sia utile per gli utenti che stanno cercando i comandi di linux, questi sono alcuni cheat sheet per i comandi più comuni...

Here I've pasted command that I think are more useful:
Qui ho incollato i comandi che penso siano i più utili:

uname -a                    Show system and kernel
head -n1 /etc/issue    Show distri­bution
mount                    Show mounted filesy­stems
date                            Show system date
uptime                    Show uptime
whoami                    Show your username
man command            Show manual for command
pwd                            Show current directory
mkdir dir                    Make directory dir
cd dir                    Change directory to dir
cd ..                            Go up a directory
ls                            List files
grep pattern files    Search for pattern in files
grep -i                    Case insens­itive search
grep -r                    Recursive search
grep -v                    Inverted search
grep -o                    Show matched part of file only
find /dir/ -name name*    Find files starting with name in dir
find /dir/ -user name            Find files owned by name in dir
find /dir/ -mmin num            Find files modifed less than num minutes ago in dir
whereis command            Find binary / source / manual for command
locate file                            Find file (quick search of system index)
ps                            Show snapshot of processes
top                            Show real time processes
kill pid                    Kill process with id pid
pkill name             Kill process with name name
killall name            Kill all processes with names beginning name

File Permission Numbers
The first digit is the owner permis­sion, the second the group and the third for everyone.
Calculate each of the three permission digits by adding the numeric values of the permis­sions below.
4    read (r)
2    write (w)
1    execute (x)

ethtool eth0                            Show status of ethernet interface eth0
ethtool --change eth0 autoneg off speed 100 duplex full                Manually set ethernet interface speed
iwconfig eth1                            Show status of wireless interface eth1
iwconfig eth1 rate 1Mb/s fixed    Manually set wireless interface speed
iwlist scan                                    List wireless networks in range
ip link show                               List network interfaces
ip link set dev eth0 name wan    Rename interface eth0 to wan
ip link set dev eth0 up            Bring interface eth0 up (or down)
ip addr show                            List addresses for interfaces
ip route show                            List routing table
ip route add default gw    Set default gateway to
host                    Lookup DNS ip address for name or vice versa
hostname -i                            Lookup local ip address (equivalent to host `hostname`)
whois                    Lookup whois info for hostname or ip address
netstat -tupl                            List internet services on a system
netstat -tup                            List active connections to/from system

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