Default Menu Panel?

Started by InstantNoodles, November 07, 2012, 01:22:53 PM

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Hello everyone. InstantNoodles here. Long time user, first time poster. I just want to say to the backbox team- fantastic work. This distro is by far, one of my favorites (if not my favorite). Very clean and nice to use.

I removed my top panel by mistake, and lost all the default settings. Can someone post how to get it back here?


Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


    I can get the panel up, but I am still looking to reset all the items in the menu back to the default state. Is there an easy way to do that? Thanks for your help.


I don't know, if you play with menu apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade can maybe fix all, but if you removed dependicy for some tools, that can be problem etc ... Best to do, is to make backup of your files and after that fresh install, that will take your time, but you will not lose your time to fix problems.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


I doubt I removed any of the dependencies since I did this only through the GUI. I just need to get the ability to select which wireless network I want.



sudo rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/panel

kill the panel and restart

sudo kill xfce4-panel
sudo xfce4-panel &

if you have trouble just do { ctrl + alt + f7 } will get you back to the gui login
if you still have issues just reset everything

sudo rm -R ~/.config

that will reset all the panel configs, menus etc etc  logout and relogin


In main panel you have network menager, and you can see all from terminal with.


If you have wlan0, to start use wlan0 use command : ifconfig wlan0 up

Etc.. it's easy and basic for any Linux user.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*