db_driver for metasplsoit?

Started by damned, September 06, 2011, 02:24:54 AM

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I went to fire up armitage and got an error :[-] INVALID DRIVER SPECIFIED.  Postgres was actually specified as the driver so i dropped to mysql in the little armitage gui and got the same error. I did a : DPKG --GET-SELECTIONS on the command line and saw the mysql-common is installed.I then went over to metasploit and typed : bd_driver and it said: NO DRIVER SPECIFIED. Hmmmmmmmmm

O.K. so i wanted to see if i could solve this without asking and i did not see anything here on the forums but i did see this: http://www.webantix.net/setup-postgres-for-metasploit-on-ubuntu/

I believe that is very outdated as i remember doing that exact same thing a long time ago....i don't want to do anything to mess up a new install so can someone help me integrate a database into metasploit like postgres? :-\


raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'


Thank you Raffaele,very,very much appreciated.

I need to get a better idea of all the resources here so that i would have seen that on the wiki.