Cannot change permissions on etter.conf file? [SOLVED]

Started by n1tr0g3n_0x1d3, January 04, 2012, 08:03:10 PM

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How can I log in as Root user on BackBox by default so I don't have to sudo and type my password every 2 seconds? I know the issue of running root and it's bad and not supposed to be safe, could damage your system if used improperly....etc I just want to run as root so I can avoid issues like these. I was using backtrack and could always change permissions no matter what but backBox never let me do much as far as permission changes with files and for my self its really annoying even when I try and run apt-get it constantly asks me for the pw. I know it's bad and hope not to get a lecture about it but would just like to boot up as Root. Any help is appreciated... thanks and once again the 2.01 version you just released seems to be running awesome!!!


raffaele@backbox:~$ Get root or die tryin'


Thank you raffaele the link is much appreciated  : )  I'll go ahead and enable it now..


so you can disable sudo password whit:
sudo visudo

and add at bottom:
user_name  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

change "user_name" with your user..... ovviamente..... ;D
una voce libera รจ sempre liberatrice