[SOLVED] Linux kernel 3.18

Started by ping, February 13, 2015, 10:50:20 PM

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Can you guys update the kernel to 3.18 for the next release?


Can you respect small and big letters when you write? Anyway, can you explain to us what you can't do whith kernel we are using right now?

Thank you.

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*


Interested in the "Tinification" patches to help developers compile leaner, smaller kernels, also Nouveau now supports DisplayPort audio some other bug fixes but i see that these are not important for most people....anyways if you could for future release.


If you want to play and learn, you can install any kernel right now, but do that in Virtual Machine, for situation "if something goes wrong". If all goes without issue, you can make same kernel update on your BBox PC.

All packages are here:


Some random tutorial i have found: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/12/install-linux-kernel-3-18-ubuntu/

And have fun!

Don't ask, read : http://wiki.backbox.org
or just run sudo rm -rf /*