BB doesn't discern the similarity between a USB thumb drive and USB pigtail SSD

Started by informative, October 02, 2016, 09:01:25 PM

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So I booted from CD and installed to a 32GB thumb drive went perfectly great OS enjoying it a lot.

I wanted more space so I created another USB like a thumb drive on a USB pigtail SATA and plugged in the SSD and tried to install to it.
Being a little experienced with these things I worry that it might think this is an HDD and try to roofie my Win7 HDD sda drive with that grub stuff - (some of you are already thinking this ends with him saying it blew up his Win7 bootloader but no)

so I carefully reach inside the case and unplug the power to my sda C: drive making this outcome impossible.  I also very carefully review all of the install parameters and it says sdc for \boot and sdc for \swap - nowhere is there any mention of it trying to touch my sda drive but of course at the end (near the end) of the install it takes a dump trying to find my sda so it can roofie my system.

Hey this OS looks very amazing but it gives me this option to switch to sdc but it fails when I try to have it load the bootloader see linked image here

Anyway so it wont boot but looks like it wants to boot just goes to black screen
I did some internet "expert research" (chuckle) and tried these command from a CD live boot

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair

And it seemed to think it was fixing my bootstrap but still wont boot to Backbox.

So any idea how I can get a 120 GB SSD loaded the same way I have my 32 GB USB loaded with Backbox?
Love the software I just want more space and don't want to put it on my same C drive of my windows but want to be able to boot it from USB drives directly (because you know it's portable USB media maybe I want to take it with me right?)

Thanks in advance for sharing your Linux expertise and if anyone can maybe consider in future releases making there be some subtle difference between when it is going to touch your sda C drive bootloader and when it thinks your media is USB and wont hose your bootloader well... that might be a good thing.  Right?



Sorry man i don't use Winshit for few years now, you will need to find better place, like Ubuntu forum for question like this one, or wait for some other mixed user to help you.

And small advice, use windows as main os if you are using every day, and just run Linux as virtual machine, or install BackBox on USB or SD and boot on it when you need BBox. Backbox is stable and can be used as main system if you know how to use Linux, if that is not your case, keep my solutions in mind.

Don't ask, read :
or just run sudo rm -rf /*