List of essential Hacking tools

Started by Hagopian, July 04, 2017, 06:08:08 AM

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Hi everybody !

I decided to make a list of tools for hacking, which I consider indispensable, most of the tools in my list are already available on BackBox.

If you have any suggestions for hacking tools, do not hesitate !

- Telnet/SMTP/FTP
- MacChanger
- Backbox-Anonymous
- Whois
- Maltego
- DNSenum
- Dig
- Dmitry
- TCPTraceRoute
- TheHarvester
- Host
- Ping
- WireShark
- ARP/ARPing/FPing/HPing3/NPing
- MetaGoofil
- MAT (Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit)
- TraceRoute
- NMap
- Python/PIP
- Ruby
- Java
- Nessus
- ZenMap
- NSLookup
- TraceRT
- UnicornScan
- Amap
- NBTScan
- OneSixTyone
- HexChat
- GitHub (Git)
- P0F
- Hydra (THC Hydra)
- SeToolKit
- Wget
- Snort
- MetaSploit (/Meterpreter)
- Armitage
- Beef
- Cymothoa
- HTTrack
- OWASP (Zed)
- Netcat
- Vega
- BurpSuite
- SQLMap
- SQLNinja
- Aircrack-ng
- hashID
- Veil-Evasion ("Veil")
- Nikto
- Mullvad (One of the best VPNs)
- Asterisk
- John The Ripper
- Can-utils
- Bluesnarfer

Maybe embed the missing tools in the next version of BackBox. (?)

Good day / Good evening !
La programmation aujourd'hui est une course entre les développeurs tâchant de concevoir des programmes de plus en plus nombreux et efficaces, convenant même aux imbéciles, et l'univers essayant de produire des idiots de plus en plus nombreux et efficaces. Jusqu'à présent, c'est l'univers qui gagne.


Hi Hagopian,
thanks very much for creating the list of essential tools.

In relation to your question about the tools that are not in BackBox, I'd like to remind you that BackBox doesn't have them most likely because the 3 following reasons:

  - they are likely duplicates (there should some other tools with similar functionalities)
  - they are likely not kept up to date (we don't want tools with uncertain development future/releases)
  - they are likely commercial tools (backbox is free open source only and we don't include any commercial solutions)

however, if one wants to have them all in BB, nothing will stop you ind doing that.
